Hurt people heal people.

I have been somewhat counseling some of my friends. This was completely involuntary on my part. Don’t get me wrong, I love them dearly and will do anything I can, but I often feel very unqualified to give advice. I haven’t experienced a lot of things or even pains that they have in regards to … Continue reading Hurt people heal people.

Stop self-medicating & meditate!

It is always a good time to protect your peace.

think deeply or focus one’s mind for a period of time, in silence or with the aid of chanting, for religious or spiritual purposes or as a method of relaxation.
  • think deeply or carefully about (something).
    • Synonyms: contemplate, think, consider, ponder, muse, reflect, deliberate, ruminate, chew the cud, brood, mull something over
  • plan mentally; consider.

People have been covering up their issues by self-medicating for numerous years. Either they are hopping into meaningless relationships to feel the void.. Or they are partying, drinking, and indulging drugs to shift their focus. I can attest to going through a rough patch and wanting nothing more than to take my mind off of the strife. Misery and negativity were consuming me and my life. I had sleepless nights, restless days, trouble focusing, and I couldn’t do anything by drive myself crazy with thoughts of my current struggle.

These are the…

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